


陈采霞,著名英语考试培训专家,英语副教授,北京师范大学翻译学硕士,北京新航道学校考研英语首席主讲。 20 多年的英语教学与翻译经验,多次被评为优秀教师。出版著、译作十余部,曾担任新华社、《英语世界》特约撰稿人和审校人,在《中国翻译》等国家级专业杂志上发表的论文并引起学术界的强烈反响。 1997 年开始从事考研辅导,对考研英语有深入独到的研究,由其独创的 “ 四步定位翻译法 ” ,得到广大学生高度认可,在大学生中享有很高的知名度和学术声望。著有《 2010 年考研英语核心词汇笔记》、《 2010 年考研英语四步定位翻译法》、《 2010 年考研英语十年真题点石成金》等多部著作。

Major Causes for Economic Globalization (1)

   Since the early 1950s, economic globalization has undergone a rapid growth. To put it simply, the major causes are as follows:
To begin with, there is the technological reason. Remarkable development in science and technology has paved the way with richer materials and better skills, among which electronic products and information technology play important roles.
In the second place, there is the economic cause. As the market economy holds a stronger position, multinational corporations and international economic organizations are becoming more and more popular and powerful, thus laying a solid foundation for the globalization of our economy. (97 words)

Main Reasons for Economic Globalization (2)

   Since the early 1950s, economic globalization has seen a rapid growth. In my opinion, there are two main reasons for this development.
Firstly, technology has played a very important role. Electronic products and information technology have become so popular and powerful that productivity has been greatly promoted all over the world.
Secondly, changes in economy itself lay a solid foundation. The market economy, multinational companies and international economic organizations all develop so well that they contribute respectively to the globalization of our economy. (83 words)


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